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The SED approach includes mapping the strategy process to the Governance framework to ensure all elements are coherent, logical and linked.


High performing organisations demonstrate clarity of purpose and clear direction. They achieve their goals by effective execution of strategy.


SED works specifically with Boards and executives of private, public and not-for profit organisations to focus thinking on their purpose, objectives and strategy and supports the implementation of best practice with effective management tools. SED understands that organisations differ in maturity and complexity and provides tailored advice from professionals equipped with first-hand experience of governance and strategy. SED also provides customised programs in Board Governance Training, Board Management, Board Performance reviews, CEO recruitment and performance reviews, risk management and strategic planning.


Administrator Warrnambool Greyhound Club 

Primary partners


  • Greyhound Racing Victoria

  • Warrnambool Greyhound Club Inc.

  • Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning

The Challenge


Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV), the statutory body for racing in Victoria, faced significant challenges in structuring the industry to ensure its ownership, breeding and racing activities met enhanced community expectations. An imperative was to support clubs, as the face of the industry, to be prepared to operate sustainably and effectively in the new environment. The Warrnambool Greyhound club needed immediate support in light of management and committee departures and GRV required access to local governance and business management expertise to take control of the club for 12 months.

SED Intervention


SED Advisory were appointed under the Racing Act in an administration role to manage the transformation of club Governance and management requirements consistent with emerging requirements.  A critical element was to provide reassurance to local club members and the community whilst establishing appropriate governance and operating guidelines for future sustainability.  These were developed with application to the wider industry in mind.  


Client Outcome


An effective transformation of the governance structure and operation of the club was completed and presented to members and GRV Board in early 2017. The perceived value of this approach resulted in the extension of the appointment to a further 12 administrator roles to pilot a streamlined governance model suitable for application across the industry.

Governance Case Study

© 2022 SED Regional Advisory 

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